Monday 11 August 2008

social media mutterings

Well had a chilled weekend, mainly reading John Leslie's continued insistence that he's not a rapist, despite saying 'he didn't actually phsyically do anything wrong'. Hmmm.
Aside from that I played with this . How many do you remember?
I failed to do any of the chores I had planned to do, mainly due to getting domestic chores done, but I have an hour this evening to do it.
This week's going to be pretty busy, in the run up to my birthday on Friday. I'm wondering how many 'virtual' presents I'll be getting!
That said, as I'm out nearly every night with people I expect I'll have a good haul.

Interesting observations on social media here By looking at the data, it seems there are more women using social media than men, which could be true given we are more likely to chat. I'm not convinced by the age ranges. I am sceptical that there are so many 69 year olds on social media sites, more likely that when people sign up, they omit their age and it opts for the standard. That said, it shows the medium is growing up.

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