Friday, 2 May 2008

poverty, socialism and celebrities

Well, today's been pretty eventful. I'm in the middle of researching a piece on the Olympics, and how brands can use the online element to maximise their marketing around it... any help would be good.
Had a great lunch with an old friend at Zilli Fish in Soho today, very 90s, but lovely.
Good to catch up and get out of the whole madness of being at home alone. Weird, though. Ziggy [ex-Big Brother 'star' so I'm told!] was in there with a blonde, and Meg Matthews [not drinking as she's in rehab] was dining with a rather muscly chap with tattoos. Odd to sit and have a conversation about the London Elections while two pseudo-celebrities are chomping on tuna carpaccio and poring over the tabloid gossip. Said friend - very Labour - was horrified that I said I'd vote for Boris Johnson.... However, I was joking....

Now need to knuckle down and get some work done...

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